Friday, June 7, 2024

Bee Orchids - destroyed by North Lincolnshire Council


Hundreds of Bee Orchid spikes on a grass panel on an industrial estate in Scunthorpe. Most were still in bud and had yet to open. Karen e-mailed many managers in the section that managed grass cutting at North Lincolnshire Council, copying the councilor and also the leader of the council into this e-mail. She received a reply promising the orchids would not be mowed, infact no grass on this industrial estate would be cut for a month as the orchids were on most of the grass panels. Karen thought they had been saved and as most had yet to open, we went back down there the following week.............

EVERY SINGLE ORCHID HAD BEEN MOWED. Every one gone under the mower. So I just had to take out a formal complaint against the Council. The managers were shocked that they had been mowed, but it was their section of workforce that had mowed them. I am still waiting for a reply to my complaint. To say that I was saddened but furious was an understatement. 

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