Sunday, December 31, 2023

Black-throated Thrush, Tophill Low, Yorks


A twiggy nightmare !  Not only was the weather greyer than grey (and then it rained!), the thrush sat in the far hedge among a million twigs ! Coupled with a large crowd that couldn't stand still......

The best we could manage I am afraid as it was never close and the sky was dusk all day. Nowhere near as obliging as the Whitby or Grimsby bird. But, we saw it, thats the main thing. 

Twig heaven !

A nightmare of a drive to Tophill Low with at least 2 roads closed due to flooding with no diversion signs in place and then a death defying drive down the track to the reserve with water poring over the road......quite scarey !

We would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous 2024. Love, peace and rainbows xx

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