Monday, October 9, 2023

Spurn.....what a day !!

We were going to head to Hemswell Car Boot today as Simon is looking for an Aladdin paraffin heater for his greenhouse. It's the sort of thing that crops up at car boots among the piles of rusty nails ! They don't make these heaters anymore, typical as they are brilliant and all we have now are Chinese imported piles of rubbish. But we were up late and after looking at the pager we knew Spurn was the place to be. 

Birds were everywhere, falling from the skies, one of those magical days that are very rare these days. We didn't get any further than Sammy's Point. The first bird we saw was a male ring ouzel followed by another and another. The bushes were alive with ouzels, redwings, blackbirds and fieldfares and it was fantastic. We headed down into the bottom of the ditch where they were all coming for a drink. just got settled, happy to watch the birds until a local chap in a florescent yellow coat walked down with 3 terriers and flushed the lot. The pics we could have got.......

So we headed down the path along the paddocks to see what else was about. Thrushes were still dropping from the sky, literally thousands of them. Our binoculars were full everywhere we looked. Simon soon found himself a yellow-browed warbler and attracted a good friendly crowd. Ring ouzels were in every bush but as soon as they landed on top, they disappeared into the bushes never to be seen again ! We estimated we saw around 30 ouzels, a yellow-browed, blackcaps, chiffchaffs, 3 short-eared owls, 1000's of redwing, a flock of brambling, what a flipping good day !!


A few ring ouzels coming down for a drink, a never ending stream until a dog walker well and truly put paid to it

Ouzels and ouzels !

Lots of stonechats

and a self-found yellow-browed warbler. A fantastic day !

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