Monday, July 17, 2023

Vancouver, Canada

We have just come back from the most fantastic 3 week cruise to Alaska. It was without doubt, one of our best trips ever. Every box was ticked, good birds, scenery to die for, a beautiful ship, excellent food, brilliant weather, good company along the way, even more excellent food, varied thrush, brown bear and more excellent food !  What more could you ask for !  Hope you like our pics x

The trip started with 2 days in a 5* luxury hotel in Vancouver, The Fairmont. It was the poshest place we have ever stayed!  Just a 10 minute walk from the waterfront and a couple of miles walk from Stanley Park where we would head to on day two. 

The Fairmont, Vancouver

Our room before we unleash all our stuff ! Full seating area, desk, drinks and a snack cabinet (where everything was a staggering price). Price was £500 a night but the room was part of our cruise package. It was as comfy as it looks !

The ground floor, Dior, Gucci, Louis Vitton, Chanel.......not a pound shop in sight !

Even the door fobs were wooden and not plastic.

The waterfront, Vancouver. Our hotel was a 10 minute walk away and all the trees you can see in the distance are the start of Stanley Park where we were heading to. A lovely walk with beautiful blue sky and a few birds added to the list on the way. How the other half live with a few yachts for sale with a million dollar price tag !
Sea Planes were everywhere we went and are the main method of delivery for both people and goods.

A massive whirligig made of bike wheels and spoons. Very effective when the wind caught it.

The cruise terminal

Right or wrong ?  There was a shop on every corner.

We found a lovely bar on the waterfront where we could get good pizza, fries and a couple of beers for $60 (£40). Sat there and watched the world pass by in glorious sunshine looking forward to our adventure ahead.

Our package included all pickups. Our jaws dropped to the floor when this Tesla Uber turned up, it was like getting a space ship !!

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