Sunday, June 4, 2023

Illegal fishing, killing and orchid mowing - what a morning !


A walk round one of our local nature reserves, hundreds of Rudd in the shallows and the Marsh Orchids just beginning to flower. Looking good this year !  Then we saw 5 chaps fishing.....lots of 'NO FISHING' signs around the lake but these signs were not meant for them. Then we spotted the jars, tubs and buckets full of fish that they had caught and killed on our nature reserve.  They saw us watching so threw coats over the illegal catch to stop me photographing. So the only thing to do was to ring the Environment Agency hotline and report them which I duly did. Suppose they will never be caught and will return and do the same every day until we have nothing left. Makes my blood boil and can see why they are banned from most fisheries. 

Northern Marsh Orchids

Our next stop was to look at our local bee orchids, just around the corner. They should be in flower wrong we were !

Nicely mown down last week by our local council, North Lincolnshire. Every year this grass panel  is a feast of bee orchids, a stunning local colony, but not this year. Flipping morons. So an email to the leader of the council needs to be done. What a hope!

But instead of cutting the grass, why not empty this and pick up the rubbish at the end of this road....

and here you see total habitat destruction for absolutely nothing. Roads were put in for a new industrial estate but after 5 years, not one single unit has ever been built. The area was literally covered in orchids, had great crested newts and was a site for greyling butterfly. Now just a network of roads to nowhere......just about sums our council up. 

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