Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A few from the garden


We took the log basket out for it's once a year brush but afraid Pixi beat us to it and had an afternoon siesta in there !

There she is again, snoozing behind the nasturtians !

and again behind a pot of chives xx

Aliums looking good, wished we had planted more now x

The start of the garlic harvest

We harvest this amount of spuds daily and they are absolutely delicious !

A few onions and garlic drying in the sun. They are now in onion sacks and hanging in the new shed

No vampires will get us !!

Every Mothers Day our Tom buys me an indoor planter. I now have many miniature rose plants in the garden as they get planted out every summer. Far better than a bunch of flowers that are dead within a week, these plants last forever xx

I will photograph the garden again this week as it now looks absolutely stunning after the rains.

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