Thursday, June 8, 2023

A few from the garden


We were on holiday for the start of our growing season and we missed a month when our propagator should have been stuffed to the gills with seeds so we are playing catch up this year. Our tomatoes not looking too bad !

Pixi snuggling in a camera bag x

We have peas !!

A bed of peas in flower and a bed of onions, ready to go !

Garlic and onions

Onions, spring onions at the front and a bed of sweetcorn next door

One of our favourite plants in the garden at the moment, Primula Vialii (Red Hot Poker Primula). They are stunning so called into Brigg Garden Centre earlier and bought another 4 for £10. 

Our beans really struggled to start with, probably due to the amount of slugs that decimated them every the slugs have now gone to live in next doors garden and the beans are flourishing 😀

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