Thursday, May 11, 2023

Elf Owl, Santa Rita Lodge, Madera Canyon, Arizona

We knew these owls were at Santa Rita Lodge so headed up there late one afternoon in the hope that the owner would shine his torch for us. We were not disappointed. After watching the feeders for an hour we noticed a small crowd had built up around a telegraph pole nearby. Joining the crowd (which was around 30 on our was just 2 people the night before!), the owner came out of his house and told us all about the owls, the lodge and the wildlife. A lovely chap, so full of knowledge to share and  that loved his environment. Around dusk a head appeared, looked around, went back in and this was repeated quite a few times. At dark it flew out to a nearby tree where the male came in and food exchanged. Everyone had good views so the torch was switched off and the birds left well alone. So we went further up the canyon where we not only heard, but saw Mexican Whip-poor-will. What a fantastic night. 

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