Monday, May 15, 2023

Arizona Birds


Yellow-headed blackbirds. We only saw these at one place and they were always distant

Western Tanager

Vermillion Flycatcher, these were everywhere. Love the colour, far better than brown !

Scott's Oriole

Scaled Quail. These were found along the fence at Willcox Golf Course

Red-faced Warbler, a new bird for us

Painted Redstart

Northern Flickr. We did see Gilded Flickr aswell but afraid it evaded the camera !

Rivoli's Hummingbird (used to be called Magnificent)

Loggerhead Shrike

Lazuli Bunting at Ramsey Canyon Cabin feeding station

Juniper Tit Mouse on the feeders at George Walker's house

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Elegant Trogon - one of the must see birds of Arizona. This bird evaded us for a couple of days, and we were only sat 20 yards from it !  It couldn't keep quiet on the second visit and we soon had it pinned down. Collecting nesting material so we saw and and left it well alone.

Curve Billed Thrasher

Cassin's Sparrow

Bridled Titmouse

Black-chinned Hummingbird

American Robin

Acorn Woodpecker
Just a couple more birds to post for you. Now need to go back and tell you about them all. Oh, and do our mammal list and name them all on here. But that's a job for another night. 

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