Thursday, May 11, 2023

A few snaps from Arizona


A Mexican 'Sonoran Hotdog'. It filled a gap, that's all I have to say on it !

In the middle of a desert, beauty shows itself xx

We saw a few of these flags, along the same lines, all in the poorest areas........words fail !

The feeding station at George Walker's House. Lovely to spend the late afternoon, sitting in the shade as the birds come to feed. We saw Juniper Titmouse on the feeders. We left a donation and bought a pen. All the feeding stations have a donation box that by the end of the day, is rammed with dollars. Imagine this at home.....would be nicked within 10 minutes. It really was a different world, one that we did envy. They had pride and honesty, both now definately lacking in the UK. 

Lots of houses being built.........out of chipboard !

Desert, cactus, more desert and more far as the eye can see. Real cowboy terrain !

We went to this park (whose name has slipped my mind) for Botteri's Sparrow, which we were lucky to see . The park was in the middle of a retirement village that was huge. It was stunning. Mainly cactus plants but with walkways, all labeled and signed. Totally run by volunteers. There was a selling area for both plants and garden stuff. Lots of seating areas with lovely chairs, cushions and tables. Sculptures, ceramic displays and it was just lovely. The park was full of people working, walkers, and people just sat relaxing and enjoying life. There were bird feeders everywhere. It was just lovely, thank you.
Again, I ask myself how long it would last here at home........ 

Massive cactus, just look at those spines. 

The birders map of Portal that is a must. If you can't get hold of a paper copy then take a pic. This one was outside Cave Creek Ranch. It shows all the houses that have feeders that are open to the public and all the other 'birdy' spots that you will need to visit. Worth it's weight in gold. 

Beatty's Ranch in Miller Canyon, Sierra Vista.  We visited the hummingbird feeders here which were fantastic. Lovely to meet the owner with his many dogs (we were told 11). They are hunting dogs but are so friendly. A lovely chap, full of birdy info. We came up this road again one night for a screech owl.  

Barfoot junction for Mexican Chickadee. The view was stunning but the drive was death defying! Every sign we saw had been shot at and had an array of bullet holes.  Here in the UK we see air rifle dents, but in the USA it was bullet every single sign.

The main hummingbird feeders at Ash Canyon. We spent many an hour here, the birding was fantastic, the staff so friendly and helpful. We saw the Golden Crowned Sparrow and the Calliope Hummingbird here. No visit to Arizona is complete without a visit and was one of our highlights. There is another two feeding areas along with a blind that can be reserved. 

On every street corner.....

This was right next to the 'Second Amendment Family Gun Store'. 

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