Sunday, January 1, 2023

Atlantic Walrus, Scarborough Harbour


Couldn't believe this when it came on the pager early yesterday morning. Soon on our way but the journey seemed to take for ages, two lots of pea soup fog, traffic, folk going shopping, seaside traffic and then couldn't get parked close, so thank goodness it hung around all day. By the time we had got there, the crowds were absolutely huge, 90% being seaside day folk. We just had to get where we could and hope we got a clear view. Simon went to the other side but the crowds were equally as bad. The noise of chatter and shrieking was on a level not yet known to man. Dogs were literally everywhere, many barking at other dogs and then a couple of drones went really couldn't make it up. But good views were had and it was a new mammal for us. Who would have thought we would be adding Walrus to our mammal list on New Years Eve ! As soon as the tide turned around tea time, it dropped into the water and headed out to sea, so pleased it did......but hope it doesn't swim to Norway !

Karen getting buffeted and elbowed, she don't look happy !

and after a couple of hours with a blue puffy sleeve infront of her ! Enough, time to beat a retreat !!
What a cracking way to end 2022. A Happy New Year to you all.

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