Friday, October 7, 2022

Bits and bobs from last week


I take this photo many times each and every year, throughout the seasons and I love it !

Our winter heating this year. We are totally organised for this winter for the first time ever. We bought a pallet of coal before the massive price increase (and its gone up and up again to a  ridiculous price!). I know we are eco warriors and feel so guilty burning coal but we do have an open fire and no way are we prepared to pay the astronomical price of gas. So we collect logs which are free and pine cones to start the fire. The fire heats our downstairs rooms that we use daily (living room and large kitchen / diner) and the heat goes into the bedroom above, taking the chill off.  Feel sorry for the people who don't have this option. We actually have 3 fireplaces in the house, all original 1930's. Only one is opened up, used and swept each year and we love it. Lets see how we go. 

Tom always buys Simon whisky for birthdays and Christmas.......always a different one, and they say that this one was delicious x

Always check your buckets !  We have many, many frogs in the garden but this is our first toad. Put in the back border for safety.


Pink footed geese have arrived in the Humber by the thousands

Fly Agaric


Chicken of the Woods

Lucy reading the stories, Araya is mesmerised and even the dog, Dottie, is joining in. Lovely to see Emily Jane and her son, Ralph. Lucy and Emily Jane are old shipmates that danced around the world together for years xx

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