Monday, September 26, 2022

A few snaps from our recent trip to Cyprus


Local wine from the supermarket, 3 euros a bottle and absolutely gorgeous. 
We drank a fair amount of this wine !

Some cracking sunsets every evening

Puncture !  The car hire folk came out to us to mend it which was excellent service but I haven't looked at the credit card bill yet.......

Pathos headland.......birdless on the day we walked round so we soon beat a retreat

Mandria fields, always good for wheatears, wagtails, larks and pipits......hoopoe and a harrier !
Was lush and green in March, now just brown charred earth in September

Our hotel, Helios Bay. We got a room upgrade to a downstairs, garden view. Ours is the middle room on the left behind the small tree. The sea is at the end of the grass and it was a dream to sit out at night listening to the waves with a nice glass of wine. Happy times xx

The tree outside our room, lots of beautiful flowers on it

No idea what these flowers are that were growing on the ground but I would love some, they were fabulous !

Mavrokolympos Dam, not too far from our hotel. We came here a on a couple of evenings as it was a good site for Scops Owls. Not this year I am afraid. An Eleonora's was bombing through the valley, and three hobbies were on the cliff above us. On our first visit the valley was full of Bee-eaters on their migration. There are hundreds of sheep and goats here coming down for their evening drink.

Coral Bay - the view from our garden. Not bad eh ?
Gosh I wish we were still there !

Smokey and one of the Little Gingers. We ended up feeding at least 5 cats every day. They lived around the hotel and visited many people, they soon had it sorted where they could beg food! Quite wary at first but by the end of the week they had basically moved in. I did shed a tear when we had to leave them x  Skin and bone when we got there but we soon had them fattened up a bit.

Simon at the Baths of Aphrodite......lots of warblers and flycatchers around

The bee hives at the Aspro Dam. They attracted 1000's of bee eaters each day. Absolutely wonderful !

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