Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Red-tailed Shrike, Bempton


What a fantastic bird !  Couldn't get last night due to a short baby sitting session, which I wouldn't swap for the world !  So, went to bed with fingers crossed and we were not disappointed. Bempton here we come !  The shrike hadn't been seen for a while so we passed the time with the Yorkshire lads, putting the world to rights. A few folk started to drift off, a bit despondent. An hour passed, and more, still no sign. So a decision was made by the crowd to slowly walk up the lane and flew straight across right infront of us. We couldn't have asked for better views. It did appear to be wounded as you can see on the pics and this did give it some trouble as it constantly preened around it. 
A brilliant bird with a good, friendly crowd. Home for tea then the whole family is going to see the beautiful baby, Araya. A lovely day xx

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