Thursday, June 16, 2022

A few moans


This piece of land was once in a Stewardship Agreement and had a wildlife strip surrounding it. The agreement expired and the tenant farmer just couldn't wait to get it all ploughed and planted. All the trees either felled or cut back to stumps as they cast shadow on his crops and hedges removed. Just incase anyone should try and venture onto his rented field, barbed wire is now along every gate and a rusty saw blade fences off the gaps. Seems to be the norm for farming these days. 

Messingham Nature Reserve. Tree felling and scrub clearance in the middle of June. We presume it's the power line folk that have done this work.......but in June when you have had all flipping winter !

Cutting the grass on the Humber bank. WHY ??  There is clearly a gravel path to walk on so why cut 2 breeds down both sides of the floodbank ?  A waste of time and money along with habitat destruction and the death of any nesting birds. Just stop flipping cutting.

This is Ashby Ville Local Nature Reserve, we often walk round here as we live very close. Both fishing and jet skiing are allowed on the nature reserve. Sadly it has taken many lives over the years so boats, swimming, inflatables and paddle boats are all banned as you can see. This fisherman here on his own with no life jacket taking bait out. Fishing in an area where fishing isn't allowed in an inflatable boat that isn't allowed while the fishing bailiff sits in his van and watches and says not a word......😡

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