Thursday, May 12, 2022

Last week's bits and bobs


Yellow Wagtail

This looks like a magical path to a secret garden......beautiful

The first fire of the year on Thorne Moors, we believe deliberately started. The burn spreads some considerable distance, but already green shoots are showing. 

Snakes-head Fritilaries in our garden

Sedge Warbler

A lovely evening walk, waiting for our first nightjars and getting bitten alive !

There was a bank of sand here that the sand martins had started to nest in. This bank was destroyed a couple of weeks ago by Sibelco, who mine the sand. The Lincs Trust have become involved and have visited the sand quarry and given advice. The bank being removed was also witnessed by another local birder who also contacted Sibelco. Last week a sand bank was built in this space and signs erected. Lets hope we are not too late and the sand martins can excavate more nests. We walk up this path a couple of times each week so will keep our eyes on things.

Reed Warbler at Messingham Nature Reserve

Just pegging the washing out and glanced up to see a large kite, garden tick !

Marsh Violet

Aaaaaah xxxx

Cuckoo, Crowle Moors

Cuckoo Flower, gets its name because it flowers when the cuckoos arrive

Cuckoo silhouettes on Crowle Moors
A Monday walk across Crowle Moors and onto Thorne Moors gave us 35 hobbies, yes 35 !
We kept loosing count !  But it was fantastic !

The railway on Crowle Moors. This was an ongoing project managed by the team I worked in. Infact I worked on this project for a while. This part of the project was completed by volunteers, grown men playing with trains, a train set on a massive level !  But really, this is asking for a de-railment and the line is only 100 metres !  Lots of up and down and zig and zags. Going to be an interesting ride !


Beautiful blossoms

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