Sunday, April 3, 2022

Cyprus Warbler and a few birds from our trip

Just back from a fantastic week in Cyprus. Our trip was focused around Orchids, but obviously birding took over !  The weather was dire at the start of the week, bitterly cold which definately held up bird migration. We have visited Cyprus before so it didn't hold any new birds for us but just to get don't know how good that was !  Already planning our next trip.....but where to ?
Lots of pics to show you, so best get cracked on !

Black-winged Stilt at Mandria

Lots of wheatears at Cape Drepanum, a place we visited every day. The wheatear numbers built up daily and we reckoned a count of about 200 on one evenings visit. You couldn't look anywhere without seeing a wheatear, spectacular ! Northern Isabaline, Black-eared and one Cyprus, no complaints there !

Cyprus Warbler at Aspro Dam. We saw this on the way to the airport. We had around 4 hours to kill before our flight so stopped off at the top car park to the dam. Some good friends, Glyn and Richard had seen it a few days previous so we just hoped that it was still there and that we could find it !  Struggled to start with as a local was hunting with 4 dogs in that area......they never stop but that is a different story. Anyway, after the hunter had failed and gone we put in some effort knowing we had limited time and BINGO, there it was. An excellent bird to end the trip on. 

Kestrels at Mandria

Short-toed Larks. 3 birds at Cape Drepanum, Agios Georgios

Yellow Wagtails looking spectacular in the evening sun at Cape Drepanum. This area was fantastic with a fall of birds every day. We had seen a couple of yellow wags on our morning visit here but by the evening the whole field was alive with them. Always mobile and disappeared into the grass on landing. Black and blue-headed, just stunning. 

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