Monday, April 4, 2022

Cyprus Orchids


Bee Orchid species

Yellow Bee Orchid, Ophrys lutea galilaea

Roman Orchid

Dense-flowered Orchid

Levant Orchid

Roman Orchids

Green-winged Orchid

It wasn't that easy doing an orchid trip to be honest. Although we had the names of all the sites for orchids, sometimes it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. But we did the best we could in the week that we were there. The weather was a hindrance with the Troodos Mountains under 6 feet of snow.....and still snowing. So all the specialist mountain orchids were still buried in snow. We are going back next year, possibly for two weeks, so will re-visit all the sites again and hopefully visit all the sites we missed. Looking forward to it already !
Will name all the orchids later. I have a heavily pregnant daughter that doesn't feel too well, a cat with an eye infection........and a husband !!

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