Saturday, April 16, 2022

Belted Kingfisher, Lancs


What you would call 'record shots' ! But you can see the bird here with a fish.

We went to see this bird absolutely ages ago, finally getting the blog caught up. Parking a flipping nightmare. Distant and obscured by a million twigs. After paying a staggering £20.......yes £20 I know. We stood with the masses waiting. It hadn't been seen since 7am and that was hours ago so we stood and waited and finally a shout went up....and everyone ran to the one gap through the bushes. Very fraught birders at the back who could literally see nowt, but we had excellent, but very distant views of it as it caught a fish, ate it and sat there snoozing for a while. Perhaps should have taken the telescope but all the folk with encroaching telescope legs nearly took a battering today ! A new UK bird to add to my list that has become a bit stagnant these last 2 years. 

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