Monday, February 28, 2022

Out and about last week


Ring-necked Duck, not easy to see through the bank-side vegetation.
A few Mandarin were also quite close but these were flushed by a Lincs birder who thought it ok to climb the fence to get closer. Well and truly flushed and not seen again all day. Bet his ears were burning....lots of angry birders. 

Princess Pixi snoozing away xx

Simon planted a full wood before he retired, adjoining Brumby Woods, a semi-ancient woodland. After 10 years, it is maturing nicely and looking good. We had a small Oak tree in the garden so re-planted it in the woods. Tucked away nicely, lets hope it flourishes to greatness.

My lasagne is to die for, even if I say so myself.  It is one of my specialities. Just look at that golden cheese. It was delicious!

Hawthorn out in February

A very, very distant Goshawk. Saw this one fly twice, just a dot in the sky !

Great Crested Grebes pairing up

Cattle Egret near Messingham Nature Reserve

February buds. 
Cheers you up no end to see spring growth, feel like we have turned a corner towards spring.

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