Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dolphins, River Ouse


Oh my dear Lord, how good is this !  3 dolphins, 2 adults and one calf have been spotted in the River Ouse near Goole. We headed there on Saturday to try and see them but failed miserably in the howling gales. So gave it a second try today. Was in wrong place to start with but the local dog walkers are full of knowledge and all know where to see them so with local info and definate sightings this morning,  we headed to the recommended spot. We were certainly not disappointed as we soon had a glimpse of a fin breaking water and the calf leaping. Stunning !  Viewing is very limited and luckily we were the only people there, apart from 3 Environment Agency workers armed with chainsaws and a chipper that were clearing the bank. Quite annoyed that they were working right infront of the dolphins, talk about disturbance. We live is a world that's totally disjointed and so far removed from nature.  We had excellent views but they didn't come close, but still, more than happy. They are being monitored to make sure they feed and stay healthy, lets hope they stay that way. 

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