Friday, November 5, 2021

This weeks bits and bobs


The River Humber looking splendid

Goldfinches feeding on teasels.........I did say goldfinches, meaning more than one which is what we were looking at until one of these new birdwatching types walked straight infront of us, flushing every bird, oblivious. Big lens.....small brain !

Pink-footed Geese

Some really nice fungus still around, but now getting picked on a daily basis everywhere we go

Yellow Stagshorn


Marsh Harriers

The Spindle Tree is looking spectacular with it's autumn colours

Spotted Redshank

Common Stinkhorn looking absolutely revolting

Our house is 100 years old, we have lived in it for 40 years. Every day for 40 years we have looked out the back at this poplar tree that is in the garden 2 doors away. Our local sparrowhawk gets most of it's meals from within it. Our cat climbed it when she was the tiniest kitten and it took us hours to get her back down. The tree was perfectly healthy with no rot whatsoever. The house was sold and one windy day a couple of weeks ago, and a few branches fell off, perfectly normal. The new owner of the house came round....'We are having that tree taken down, it's rotten, it's not safe, branches fall off it and the mess from the leaves........' Anyway, a perfectly healthy tree, over 100 years old, hit the deck last week. There is simply no hope for the world, for nature, for the human race..........but we won't have those 'messy leaves each year'. It was a sad day and we miss the tree. Cost to have it taken down....£1000.

Whooper Swans

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