Sunday, October 17, 2021

British Cycling Championships, Men's Road Race, Lincoln

There was a decision to make this morning in our house.........cycling or birding. So Simon left the decision to me and I chose cycling hoping that the mega Two-barred Warbler would stay at Spurn until tomorrow. It was chucking it down and I was beginning to wish that I had chosen neither and we were having a TV and logs on the fire sort of day !  I have to admit, I am a massive cycling fan and with Mark Cavendish being the superstar rider today and he would come past us 13 was an easy decision.  So a roundabout with a sharp left turn was chosen, thinking they would slow down......wrong !  Jesus, 40mph in the wet with a road covered in leaves on a sharp corner with lots of road furniture, did they slow down, did they bugger !  And they all stayed upright which was an absolute miracle. The crowds were almost non-existent, everyone was in Lincoln city centre watching on the hill climbs and cobbles. 
We had an excellent day, thoroughly enjoyed it. Team Ineos Grenadiers winning yet again with Ben Swift retaining his title and Ethan Haytor coming in 3rd, Fred Wright of Bahrain Victorious was 2nd. 

and here they come !!

Mark Cavendish 

CAV   !!

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