Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Skuas, Huttoft Bank


Our first stop of the day was Seaview Farm on the Lincs coast where Simon soon had our first Pied Flycatcher of the autumn found so the day was off and running. The noise of a delivery of logs to the new holiday cottage soon put paid to birding on this lane so we headed to Rimac to look at nowt ! 

Next stop was Huttoft Bank to seawatch as the tide came in at 4pm. A brilliant few hours with Arctic, Long Tailed, Great and Pom Skuas passing. A guillemot sat on the sea with the occasional head of a seal popping up. A marsh harrier flew out to sea and didn't return ! Hundreds of sandwich terns that never stopped. 

Looking at the sea has made me long to go on another cruise and get me posh frocks out ! So already got an Alaska and beyond cruise priced up, and bird list printed ! 

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