Sunday, August 1, 2021

Brumby Woods - more dumping by North Lincolnshire Council


I really do tire of complaining and this has been an ongoing moan of mine for the past 5 years. This is Brumby Woods, an ancient woodland that is protected by a Tree Preservation Order, managed by North Lincolnshire Council. The gardening section of our local council see it as a place to dump their rubbish. Leaves swept up with rubbish, grass cuttings, old bedding plants, edging up grass sods, felled trees and branches and now to top it all off, they have dumped bedding plants along with the plastic trays. It looks an eye sore and despite being promised that it would stop and all be removed, it has continued. I have made two complaints to the Leader of the Council but have yet to receive a reply. I will forward the e-mails onto our MP only not holding my breath there either, and then I really don't know what else I can do ....... but I am not giving up !

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