Thursday, July 1, 2021

Ospreys, Rutland Water

Our annual pilgrimage to Rutland Water to see this years ospreys. We have been watching them on the nest webcam and they have started to flap and jump up from the nest so their fledging is going to be soon. We chose to go on Monday hoping the crowds would be less and we were spot on with just us two in the hide. It is very strange to see them distantly in the nest only to turn around and look at them close up on a big screen. We had a couple of fly pasts and the male fetched a few sticks in for the nest, much to the chicks disapproval !  With lots of wing flapping from the chicks, the male sat on a perch nearby keeping out the way while the female sat above the nest keeping her eye on things !  

Lots of sticks were brought into the nest

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