Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Oriental Turtle Dove, Easington

Our second trip to Easington to try and see the Oriental Turtle Dove, having failed miserably on Sunday.  We decided to wait until late afternoon as the garden that it has been favouring wasn't open to birders until then. A big thank you to Georgia French for allowing us all in, very much appreciated. The bird hadn't been reported since early morning so a big sigh of relief went round when it flew in after 15 minutes. Fantastic !  Excellent views were had by everyone and the crowd wasn't that large, thank goodness. Hope you like our pics. 


Looking to see what was on the floor for tea !

Looking at all the spillage on the floor, tea time and onto the floor it dropped. Ten minutes later it flew up into the tree next door. 

A lovely afternoon, met some nice folk, Cav won his 3rd Tour de France stage and a new UK bird for us taking Karen's tally to 428. 

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