Sunday, July 25, 2021

Elegant Tern, Cemlyn Bay, Anglesey

A new world bird for us today !  Didn't dash of to North Wales last week, really couldn't stomach travelling in 30 degrees of stifling heat in Monday to Friday standing motorway traffic. So edged our bets and hoped that it hung around. Up and out just after 4am this morning and there just seemed to be us on the motorway, brilliant, the journey taking just over 3 hours including a stop. A walk on deep shingle in Cemlyn Bay just about finished us off !  Just a few folk there with a steady crowd coming and going during the morning. Pleased that the area was roped off as the photographers were inching to get closer. The tern showed most of the time we were there. A brilliant day, even better for me as Simon drove both ways and I was chief navigator, catering officer and sound technician !!

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