Thursday, July 15, 2021

Animal Rebellion Protest at McDonald's, Scunthorpe

Just down the road from our house so had to call and show our support to the protesters already there. The protest, which is very well organised, had arrived over night and was fully set up when we arrived this lunchtime. Never heard of Animal Rebellion until today but saw a couple of familiar faces from the local Extinction Rebellion group. Anyone who cares about their environment and the world has to be in favour of their actions and if they can get McDonalds to engage with them and hopefully reduce the meat production, that has to be a good thing.  

The protest is at the OSI Food Solutions factory in Scunthorpe where all the burgers for McDonald's are produced for the whole of the UK. They make 3 million burgers here each day. Meat lorries are usually lined up delivering, from all over the UK and we have often seen refrigerated lorries from Spain.

Animal Rebellion are asking McDonalds for a fully plant-based menu by 2025. The meat and dairy industry are responsible for 80-90% of Amazon deforestation, at least 18% of global emissions and for exploiting and killing billions of animals every year.  Climate Change affects us all and scientists have proved that meat production is one of the main contributors to global warming. 

Animal Rebellion, you have our support 100% and we will pop and have a chat again with them tomorrow. They are here for the long haul for maximum disruption, excellent !

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