Saturday, July 10, 2021

A few bits and bobs from last week



We visit Louth each year to see the peregrines on St. James' Church. They successfully reared 4 chicks this year. Our timing this year was shocking ! First off, couldn't get parked nearby. Then found a tight space that I would never have got into in a million years so we had to change drivers ! Got to the church and we could hear the peregrines, but they remained out of sight the whole time we were there. The only view we had was of this tail cuddling up to the gargoyle. Adult birds flew once, returned and they also disappeared. We did manage one adult at the top of the spire. Not a very productive day but brilliant to see that they had had another successful year. 

Marsh Harrier

A lovely walk in the forest this morning, again having to litter pick the whole car park before we began. Fast food have a lot to answer for. 

We were listening to the quail calling late one evening and seemed to be surrounded by singing corn buntings.

Caspian Gull, second from right

Three quail singing infront of us, corn buntings behind us and a barn owl quartering the field. One of those magical evenings. Then a hare ran down the path towards us !

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