Thursday, June 17, 2021

RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Summer isn't complete without a trip to Bempton to see the puffins. We went mid-week thinking it wouldn't be too busy.....wrong!  The kids were all back at school but the place was heaving with us having to park in the overspill of the overspill......and there were some right prize stars there as you can imagine ! But we saw plenty of puffins and had a right good day by the sea that lifted our spirits. Looking at the sea dreaming of a future cruise, only goodness knows when that will happen. 

One of the highlights of the day was a kestrel that caught a vole on the cliff top and she flew towards us before finally stowing it away in a crevice in the rocks. Brilliant !

The warden told us the gannet numbers are up this year which is excellent news. 4 puffins on the cliff face with them. 



Oooh Matron !

Puffins xx

Razorbill and chick x

Here she is stowing it away in a crevice to eat later

This was one of those 'right time, right place' moments. The kestrel had caught a vole and headed in our direction along the cliff top, with it in her beak. She started to peck at it but didn't eat it, stashing it away in a hole in the rocks, saving it for later ! It was brilliant to stand and watch her. 

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