Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Lesser Grey Shrike, Whitby


The hedge that it favoured, uncut pic

Coughing up a pellet

Up at the crack of dawn and off to Whitby for the lesser grey shrike. Not a new bird for us but a stonking bird all the same. Soon parked and off up the path to look for the bird which we had been told had just flown along a distant hedge.  Simon soon picked the bird up on the wires which it seemed to favour, occasionally dropping down into the field. We had the shrike to ourselves and it did start to work its way closer along the wires. But the crowd soon arrived and the shrike got further away. 

In hindsight, we wished we had gone later in the day as the bee-eaters that came into roost near the Abbey the previous day, returned again in the evening. Oh well, happy with our day and drove back home over the moors adding red grouse to our year list. 

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