Sunday, May 2, 2021

North Lincolnshire Council habitat destruction and littering

Our local council has to one of the worst in the UK. They have had all winter to cut back this hedge if it was needed, and although it wasn't overgrown they decided to take the flail to the end of April. There are masses of guidelines and advice available as to when hedges should be cut and March through to August is a definite no under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.  This hedge has been flailed all the way along the road and also along the nature reserve edge,  we would like to bet that it wasn't checked for nesting birds. For anyone local, it is on Normanby Road, opposite Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve along the edge of Conningsby Quarry. 

To make matters worse, the grass was also flailed, cutting up every bit of litter including this quilt and pillars. It looks an absolute disgrace. And to say that the council now relies on volunteer litter pickers (that are making a fantastic job), you would have thought they could have got their own house in order.

We have complained, awaiting a reply.  Will keep you posted. 

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