Friday, May 21, 2021

Little Gulls and Garganey, RSPB Blacktoft Sands


Little Gulls and Garganey

5 Little Gulls from Ousefleet Hide on Thurday

Garganey gave us some good views

Reed Bunting


Yellow Wagtail

Lots of Avocet chicks about

Our first visit to Blacktoft Sands since lockdown was lifted. Rain was forecast so what better than to spend time in a bird hide. We have really missed Blacktoft to be honest. Anyway, car parked, booked in at visitors centre and off to the hides. Little Gulls had been seen and they would be a new bird for the year so off to Ousefleet we went. The first chap sat in the hide was not wearing a face covering at all despite many signs around the reserve. We hadn't been there long before a friend turned up, another one with no mask and sat in the hatched area so no social distancing either. And on it went. I looked around and there must have been 12 people in the hide (when there should only be 6), no social distancing and very few face coverings. Do birders think the rules don't apply to them??   We beat a retreat, not impressed. 

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