Sunday, May 30, 2021

A few from last week


We came home to this lovely tea from Lucy on her day off......freshly made lasagne, wine and pudding. The lasagne was delicious, I taught her well !! and Malbec is the best red wine xx  and you can't go wrong with an egg custard tart !   Lovely jubbly 😃

Marsh Violet, a new UK plant for us. Will keep our eye on this and see if more flowers appear. It's tucked away so hopefully safe from the strimmers that seem to be out on a weekly basis on our local nature reserve. 


Our local wood is covered in Ransons (wild garlic). It smells beautiful x

'The Enchanted Forest'

A feeding station we often visit with odds and sods nailed on the fence for bird seed. Somedays there are more rats than birds !  Can I introduce you to rat pie😀

A bracket fungus as big as a dinner plate

Marsh Harrier

Our Steel Works

Conningsby Quarry

Red-crested Pochard

Tree Sparrows

and I have saved the best picture until last !
Large Haddock and small chips from Johnson's of Gainsborough. The best chippie in the area !

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