Sunday, April 11, 2021

Two-barred Crossbill, Thoresby Pit Top, Edwinstowe, Notts


If you thought you would see stonking close up shots then you are going to be disappointed. A very long walk, up the side of a pit slope and it started to snow so the camera stayed in the car. Pity as some cracking shots could have been taken. Never mind, we saw the bird well and it's a new tick to add to our year list. We had to wait well over two hours for the crossbills to come in to drink. There are puddles behind the hedge infront of you (which you cannot see) that the birds are coming into. They arrive in groups, the two-barred was in the third group that flew in. Some excellent views of a cracking bird. It's the bird in the middle of my phone pic !

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