Friday, April 2, 2021

Little Bunting, Langford Lowfields RSPB, Notts


Decided on trying for this Little Bunting as an addition to our year list, a bird we had seen last year, same hedge !  The weather was bitterly cold but we stood with the socially distanced crowd. After an hour Karen found it sitting out in almost the same place we had seen it last year !  The crowd were happy, some with a life tick !  After 10 mins the bunting disappeared but we did catch a glimpse of this female Brambling before we beat a retreat. Two new birds to the year list. 

And being as it was Good Friday and fish was the dish of the day, it seemed rude to drive past one of the best chip shops in our area, so a fish and chip tea it was !

and they were flipping delicious !!

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