Saturday, April 17, 2021

A few from this week


30+ yellow wagtails on our morning walk today along with a single wheatear

100s of Meadow Pipits, they were everywhere

A distant Blackcap singing his head off

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Last week we made the trip to Misson, a few miles away in Notts,  to see the two cattle egrets that had been showing brilliantly, apparently at the fence side next to the footpath. That is until about half an hour before we got there. In that time, this cow had given birth to this gorgeous calf and the farmer had arrived to put the ear tags in.....scuppering the cattle egrets that were never seen again !  The calf was still wet when we got there and just standing, the cattle egrets long gone and didn't return ! Bugger !

Marsh Marigolds

A riddle full of Pixi, she likes to be with us in the garden and soon makes herself comfortable xx

The end of a lovely day x

The garden is looking good at the mo !

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