Thursday, February 11, 2021

A Fieldfare Feeding Extravaganza !


It's not very often that we get our timings right but today we were spot on !  Driving along Messingham Road in Scunthorpe, Simon noticed a few Fieldfare flying into a Cotoneaster in a front garden. Lets stop and look, so we pulled off onto a side street and parked so I had a good view. Simon already getting his camera set up ready as we were surrounded by Fieldfare starting an absolute feeding frenzy. There were well over 100 birds that flew in, grabbed a berry and flew off. A constant stream that didn't stop for over an hour. We could see the birds sitting in the back garden trees before they swooped over the roofs and into the Cotoneaster to quickly feed. It was certainly a spectacle and it wasn't long before the berry supply had diminished and when we returned from our walk, the tree had been totally stripped. 
The birds didn't seem to mind the cars driving past but they were certainly spooked by buses, lorries and definately people. There must have been 30 people that walked past and not one person even noticed the birds, not a single person. Infact a couple of people approached from different directions and even stopped and stood under the tree talking, totally oblivious of us and the birds. Just how detached from nature have people become?
It was one of the best hours birding we have had in a long time, a feeding frenzy spectacle. Hope that you enjoy our pics. 

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