Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Happy Christmas xx


We were so lucky to be able to spend an afternoon celebrating a socially distanced Christmas with Lucy in her garden. Lucy had worked all Christmas on her ward, Respiratory, as a high dependancy covid nurse so she had had a very stressful, sad Christmas and desperately needed to spend time with family, drinking and laughing. Some good food was served along with beers. Then the shout went up 'beer or Moet?'....no choice as the cork popped ! We then moved onto Grey Goose Orange Vodka followed by M&S Cookie Liqueur ! Good job Tom was the designated driver for the day. An absolutely wonderful afternoon with our beautiful daughter who deserves the world at the moment xx
There isn't a better drink in the whole world......cheers !!

A rainbow to thank the NHS for all the hard work that they are doing at the moment to help us through these dark times. The second wave is far worse than the first. Stay safe everyone xxxx

Simon and our lovely son Tom on our Christmas morning walk. Turkey in, sprouts on !

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