Tuesday, December 1, 2020

A few from this week


In the recent lockdown we have found quite a few new tracks and trails that look very promising.     Will investigate next year and see if they are all as good as they look !

Shaggy Inkcap

Some fabulous fungus to be seen in the local forest that quite interests me. That much so that I have purchased a mushroom field guide.....can feel the urge for another list !  K x

Simon and the lovely Dottie. We have had many cups of tea with Lucy just lately, all of them in her back garden hence the arctic clothing ! 

After 25 years, my knitting needles came out the darkest corners of a cupboard. Had a dread that I wouldn't be able to remember how to knit, a couple of rows and I was off and running. But must make the smallest dog coat even smaller next time !  

A lovely walk on Hatfield Moor but this just shows the extent of last years massive fire. The burn damage goes for miles but among the black, charred earth there is lots of greenery sprutting up and making a comeback. 

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