Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ringtail Hen Harrier, Messingham Nature Reserve

We couldn't decide where to go today and after waiting for the showers to pass over, we thought we wouldn't go far so headed for Messingham Sand Quarry, just a couple of miles up the road. Not many cars in the car park when we arrived, which was good ! Caught up with Ray, not seen him in over a year so plenty of catching up to do. Had a leisurely stroll round and noticed that the visitor numbers were increasing with the afternoon shift coming out. And come out they did, never seen so many people at Messingham, crowds and crowds never stopped coming past us. We saw a family with a dog, not on a lead and barking constantly, could be heard all over the reserve. They saw us watching them, turned round and beat a retreat. A family had come past us earlier, plenty of kids shouting and running everywhere, the adults complete with a full bag of beer had a bottle each, they had started their Sunday afternoon session already. We met these a couple of hours later, still drinking, with all 4 of their children playing hide and seek in the sheep fields. The noise was on a whole new level. People where literally everywhere, lots off the paths, tramping through the woods, definitely not on the path network. Anyway, have reported all this to the Lincs Trust. 

But, inbetween stepping aside for the crowds to come past us we spotted a raptor being harassed, looking up imagine our shock when we saw it was a ringtail, which we both shouted out together !  Apart from the people, it was an absolutely brilliant afternoon. 

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