Sunday, October 4, 2020

Wood Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler, Sammy's Point


Another one of the star birds of the day. A very muddy path at Sammys but it was nice to walk down without crowds. There was just us two and another birder along the fence at Sammys where the Wood Warbler was last seen. It soon showed, infact very well, and the sun shone as we ate our lunch. 10 roe deer were in the adjacent field along with pink-footed geese. A few Redstarts flitted around the bushes and turning round to look at the rocks, a few Redstarts were along the bank aswell. Simon found a Yellow-browed Warbler which was the icing on the cake of a fabulous day at Spurn. But the crowds again started to build up at the Wood Warbler with no distancing so we soon beat a retreat. 

Yellow-browed Warbler

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