Sunday, October 11, 2020

Hoopoe, Collingham & Linton Cricket Club, West Yorkshire

The hoopoe has been here for around 10 days now but we thought the crowds when it first arrived would be huge, so we waited and with nothing else to do today, we set out with clear blue sky, to Collingham. We were not prepared for the size of the crowd watching the bird. A quick head count, once we had got our space and settled, was at least 80 people, most photographers. Infact during the few hours we were there I did a glance around the crowd and saw 3 pairs of binoculars, 2 were ours !  But the camera gear was on a whole new level !

The bird fed the whole time we were there, not bothered by the crowd at all. Everyone kept their distance, no one encroached on the feeding bird. The hoopoe came to within 10 feet sometimes, too close for photos and it had the whole of the cricket pitch to feed on. It fed on crane fly larva (leather jackets), literally shoveling then down and it looked fit and healthy. 

Lots of pics for you to look at, and a few videos, we hope that you enjoy them. 

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