Saturday, October 24, 2020

A few bits and bobs from last week



Green Woodpecker

An odd coloured lapwing


Sparrowhawk with prey


Meadow Pipit

Crossbill silhouettes

Buzzard over the back garden

A few pics from this last week or so. 

We should be in South Africa right now so feeling a bit gloomy, but have already re-booked 2 weeks in Kgalagadi for next September.  Will we ever be able to do world travel ever again? Will this pandemic ever end? It's like a never ending nightmare and winter is only just beginning. Trying to get us both our flu jabs but have been told by our GP that we are not old enough (even though we have had a jab in years past) and every local chemist has run out of stock and no idea when more vaccinations will be issued.  Lucy's ward is full so our daughter is back to Covid nursing and all that that entails, wearing a respirator every day for 13 hours. And we have a friend that thinks masks spread the virus and refuses to wear one. No words. To top it all, I bought a jar of honey from Asda yesterday only to find it was 6 months out of date !  Need red wine and chill !!

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