Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Barred Warblers, Flamborough


Flipping twigs !!

The day started well as it was Simon's birthday and he liked all his pressies !  A drive up to Bempton Cliffs to see the red-breasted flycatcher that had been around the car park for a few days, that was until yesterday when it was not seen again but a couple of yellow-browed warblers were around. So after looking and hoping for a few hours we decided to head to Flamborough where a couple of barred warblers had been reported. Entering the car park, a lady gave us an all day parking ticket and Simon found a fiver, so we were quids in !  We decided to head away from the milling crowds and stood above the brambles giving us a better view. It wasn't long before we picked up a barred warbler so we were more than happy that we had, at long last, seen a bird. We soon had the second bird along with a lesser whitethroat. An excellent few hours, birds, a fabulous view of the sea and a birthday tea to look forward to. Happy Birthday Simon xx

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