Monday, August 10, 2020

Collared Flycatcher, Spurn

 A last minute decision to head to Spurn this morning. We didn't think for one minute that the collared flycatcher that had been caught, ringed and shown twice would still be around. But we struck lucky and with a lot of patience and waiting, out it came and showed itself wonderfully. The majority of the crowd had zoomed off to see the white-winged black tern that was showing at Beacon Ponds and for some time, there was just the two of us and this collared flycatcher, perfect ! We missed the one last year at Easington as we were in Eaglenest, India (and that trip feels like it was in another lifetime!), so Karen finally got that tick on her UK list taking it to 421. 

Two red-backed shrikes along the canal


  1. Nice memory of the collared female. Thanks for sharing these pictures.
