Monday, July 20, 2020

Caspian Tern, RSPB Frampton Marsh

Caspian Tern snoozing as the spoonbills feed behind

Bathtime !

A trip down to the superb Frampton Marsh reserve, managed by the RSPB. Was suprised by how many people were there for a Monday, thought the weekend rush would be over and it would be relatively quiet.....wrong !  Only just managed to get parked !  The caspian tern had flown off to feed so we found a good spot and waited. An excellent crowd that all practiced social distancing, the banter and laughter flowed and the tern flew back in straight onto the sand spit infront of us - perfect ! Excellent views of a cracking bird. Spoonbills and a single whooper swan made up the supporting cast. Love this reserve, it's well managed for birds and birdwatchers, just wish it was closer to home !

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