Saturday, June 6, 2020

Our veg plot

Onions and tomatoes. The pots of tomatoes have been grown from seeds as we did not know if plants would be available this year. Lucky, we now have both. Good job we like tomatoes ! 

Onions, peas and runner beans along with a couple of tubs of potatoes 

During lockdown, Tom built a small greenhouse that was have used to the extreme. All the seeds were germinated in here, it was packed to the gills. It's been a resounding success and all that is left in there now are Tom's chillies. They just need heat and sun to grow and that seems to have gone !

Our first peas. We grow garden peas, sugar snap and mangetout. Hope we have a bumper crop like last year.  

Aliums looking spectacular in the border 

Another raised bed of onions and tomatoes 

Onions and peas, looking good ! 

And then we have potatoes, masses of them. You really can't beat home grown potatoes. 

Tomatoes growing nicely and we now have tomatoes on 
The ones grown from seeds will be planted out when they have a bit more growth on them.

On Friday, Simon harvested his first potatoes, 'Charlotte'. They were without doubt, flipping delicious, served with a good knob of Lurpak ! 

Just look at these, you can't beat home grown veg 

The strawberry bed. We have 1000's of flowers and strawberrys on. Can't wait for them to grow and ripen. 

This was the first harvest of our strawberrys last Thursday. They were scrumptious !!

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