Sunday, May 17, 2020

Red-footed Falcon, Thorne Moors

An excellent find by Steve Routledge yesterday. Thanks for the text, pity I was stood in the que to get into Asda (that seemed to take an age to move), followed by the que to get into our local garden centre as a purchase of tomato plants was number one priority.  So we were a day late in our moors visit but it was certainly worth it.

The sky was overcast as we walked through Crowle Moors and onto Thorne. Nothing was flying but as soon as we headed up the main path, out popped the sun, the dragonflies erupted and so did the hobbies enjoying their breakfast. Simon soon had the red-footed falcon found which was feeding among the distant bushes. It never stayed still for a moment, constantly feeding and chasing, never perched and certainly never still. So afraid no pics.

The sun certainly didn't stay out for long and soon all was quiet and still, the feeding frenzy over. Then Simon picked up 7 large birds approaching and over our heads we had a fly by of 7 Common Cranes. A turtle dove was the star of the supporting cast. A fabulous day, in good company. 

1 comment:

  1. Good to meet you both yesterday and thanks for putting me on to the Red-footed Falcon and the Cranes.
